The Benefits of Living in a Small Home
Living in a small home is more economically and environmentally beneficial. It’s easier to heat, cool, clean, and maintain, but there are many, less obvious perks as well.
Less Stuff & Less Spending
Have you ever stopped to consider how much stuff is required to furnish and decorate a home? Choose one room in your home that is used the least often and make a mental list of everything in that room. That’s a lot of stuff, right? And consider the money you spent to buy it, the money spent to clean it, and eventually the cost of replacing it. Living in a smaller home means that we use the space we have and everything in our home serves a purpose, has a place, and is loved.
A Happier Marriage
Many would think that living in a smaller space would create more friction in a marriage, but this is not the case for my husband and me. Instead, it has provided more opportunities for quality time together. In the evenings, we don’t retreat into separate living spaces to watch TV or work. We spend our time at home together, discussing our day, cooking delicious meals, compromising on TV shows, and being entertained by our daughter. I spend a lot of time grading essays, taking online courses, and writing. I love having Drew close by to help with technology questions and to brainstorm ideas. If we do have an argument, our close quarters motivate us to communicate and find a solution quickly.
Better Living Outdoors
I would much rather be outside than inside. My favorite mornings are the ones I spend on my porch, sipping coffee and playing with my daughter in the garden. My husband is the primary reason our porch has become my oasis; I bring the plants home and he keeps them alive. We spend many evenings on our porch, grilling, listening to music, and eating dinner together as a family. Who needs a dining room when they have a dining room table right outside?
Limited Party Hosting
This may not be a benefit for everyone, but it is for us. We both prefer more intimate gatherings that don’t require small talk or apologizing repeatedly for all the dog hair. We love to have our close friends and family over, but never feel obligated to host parties or large holiday gatherings. Our home is our sanctuary and we have created a space that is just right for our little family.